Program Meeting
Wednesday, February 19, 1:30 p.m.
Augustana Lutheran Church
5500 South Woodlawn Avenue
Join us for a program featuring University of Chicago alumnus Peter Hawley, Director of the Illinois Film Office. Peter will discuss filmmaking around Hyde Park and Chicago, both currently and historically, and show stills from select films.
Free and open to the public
For more information, contact Dottie Jeffries:
Refreshments to follow
The Business of Film: Film and TV Production in Chicago
Special Interest Groups
Book Group
Time: Wednesday, February 4, 7:00 p.m.
Book: My Dear Hamilton by Dray and Kamoie
Location: Zoom
Chair: Laura Kracke (lhkracke@earthlink.net)
Click HERE for book list
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 4,
Walking Group
Time: Tuesdays and Fridays at 9:30 a.m.
Location: Meet at the Shopping Center near the Post Office
Chair: Peggy Garrett (edwpeggy@ameritch.net) - contact to let her know if you will be joining a walk
Time: Third Tuesdays
Location: Zoom
Chair: Janet Surkin (janet.surkin@gmail.com) - contact to confirm meeting times and for log-in information
Book Friends
Contemporary Civics
Time: Monday, February 3 & 17
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Chair: Dorothy Patton (dep712@att.net) - contact two weekdays before the posted event date to register
Cercle Français
Time: Second Tuesdays, 2:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Chair: Roberta Bernstein (bernsteinroberta@gmail.com) - contact to confirm meeting times and for log-in information
Dining Out
Time: Thursday, February 13
Location: Margaret Huyck's house
Please RSVP to Fran Gordon (fgordon0@aol.com)
Chair: Jan O'Malley (claddagh5471@gmail.com) - contact to be added to their mailing list

The Dining Out group at Salonica in January
Clockwise from left: Marie Schilling, Fran Gordon, Deloris Sanders, Catherine Brehm, Margaretha Talerman, Barbara Roy, Astrid Fuller, Reeva Shulruff and Jan O'Malley. Photo by Susan van der Muelen
Time: Monday, February 10 at 7 p.m.
Chair: Call or email Lucy Lester (lucy.lester@sbcglobal.net) for more information

Cheryl Miller finishing a quilt for donation. Photo by Lucy Lester
Trashy Ladies
Time: On Winter Hiatus. See you in the Spring!
Location: 58th and Woodlawn, on the bench across from the Robie House
Chair: Lesley Bloch (lesley_bloch@yahoo.com) - contact to be added to their mailing list
Spanish Group
Time: Alternate Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m.
Location: TBD
Chair: Agnes Zellner (azellner@gmail.com) - contact for meeting times and locations
Monarch Butterflies Group
Chair: Marilyn Caviccchia (marilyn.cavicchia@gmail.com)